Thursday, October 18, 2007

Senseless loss

Four years ago, one of my very good friends was diagnosed with desmoplastic small round cell tumor, a particularly nasty type of cancer with a very low survival rate. He went through a rather successful surgery, followed by some chemotherapy, which he endured rather well. For the next three years, he lived pretty normally - he lost some weight, but enjoyed being a daddy to his little baby (now toddler) and had a ton of fun with his wife and his friends.

Late last year, things took a decided turn for the worse. When we saw him in at our fantasy football draft in August, he was a little jaundiced and a little thin, although he still had the characteristic smile for everyone. And he gave everyone plenty of characteristic crap - and penalty Woo Woo shots - for doing stupid things. By December, though, he wasn't doing very well.

James was moved into a "pain management" facility early this week, and he passed away last night in his sleep. When I learned he was not expected to regain consciousness, I was saddened more than I thought possible. I'd known for years that this was possible, even the likely ultimate outcome... but for some reason I'd just believed that he would beat this disease. He fought his ass off, strongly, courageously. But the sarcoma ultimately won.

I ask everyone reading this to tip a glass in the celebration of James' life. I know you hear it a lot when someone dies, but this was truly the rare person who makes everyone else's life better, just for having known him. He transcended time and distance - whether you'd seen him last on Saturday or ten years ago, you knew he was your friend. And you knew that for no other reason, he'd go to bat for you and you'd sure as hell do the same for him. I'm going to miss him. His optimism, his fierce loyalty, his kindness, his friendship.

1 comment:

Pazzy said...

Amen Angie. I can still so clearly hear James's laugh and see his smile. He gave us so much and I in particular owe him a great debt for bringing us closer and giving the me the gift of your friendship. I indeed raise my glass very very high!!