Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Skinny legs and all

I finally got around to taking the Bunny in for her 2 1/2-year well child visit.  Yeah, way overdue.  I wanted to change pediatricians, then kept calling when the new doctor's office was closed.  But it finally happened.  The new ped's office is much better, so thanks to Dr. Leswing's Mountain Pediatrics for providing an alternative in Evergreen.

In a nutshell, the Bunny is doing swimmingly.  Mima potty trained her last weekend (which makes her two for two with my kids), and she has been virtually accident-free!  Her vocabulary is tremendous: she uses words like "probably" and "practically" correctly, and strings together multiple sentences that (a) convey actual thoughts and (b) can be understood by other adults who aren't her parents. 

She's still a lousy sleeper at home, and the doc said we should start playing hardball.  Feel free to place your bets on who will win this showdown, but she did stay in bed last night.

She's tall for her age (90th percentile) but a little light (25th percentile), so the doctor wants us to fatten her up.  (She even suggested bacon as a great source of fat, which on its own should recommend her as a doctor.)  She also said it was time to toss the Bunny's favorite (awful) sippies, so we sent them off with the Sippy Cup Fairy on Friday night which resulted in at least two days without any milk.  The calorie-free fruit water she prefers in big-girl cups is unlikely to bulk her up too much.  But my money says the non-milk thing can't last, and I will point to her five-yogurts-for-breakfast today as evidence. 

What else?  She loves pasta and hiking and coloring and the swings.  She picks out her own clothes and prefers dresses.  She is loving and strong-willed, and does display something of a temper.  And her beautiful smile and curls keep her beloved.


Karin said...

How do I get Mima to visit me for a weekend?

Angie said...

She's totally a miracle worker... our house is practically a diaper-free zone now!