Thursday, February 28, 2008

Feb Club, take two

Here's a shout-out to the folks who organized the Feb Club Emeritus parties this year - well done! Very well done!

I went to the Greenwich party last night, and it was a great time. The organizers have bought a real Mory's cup, engraved with the locations of all of the parties. It's a bit like a concert t-shirt, but full of delicious, boozy goodness. I enjoyed sips (gulps?) of gold, red and purple, which has always been my favorite. I finished it a bit unceremoniously, though - no song or spinning it on my melon because no one realized it was done. C'est la vie. I've finished enough cups in my day not to feel gypped.

Again, I was very disappointed that more of my classmates were not there, but hey - next year, right?

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