Thursday, December 13, 2007

Buffy and Angel - the comics

If you are a fan of the show, but for some reason haven't started to read the comics, let me first tell you that the Buffy: Season 8 issues have been great so far. It's nine issues in or so, and I'm totally into it. I don't love it as much as I love the show, but sometimes you gotta take what you can get. Since I also loved Angel, I was really excited for the first issue of Angel: After the Fall.

I am not really a comics reader, as evidenced by something I completely missed. No spoilers here for those of you who are looking forward to reading it yourself, but there was a major plot twist for a major character, and I missed it entirely. I actually went to an online forum because I thought I didn't quite get what had happened... and "quite" turned out to be an immense understatement. Luckily, when I learned what was apparently obvious to every other reader, it certainly shed some light into what I'd thought was a totally confusing book. I think I'll re-read it tonight and see if I can catch on.

My apparent lack of comic book reading comprehension aside, I am now enough of a regular for my comic book guy to show me his super-secret cool-stuff stash. My inner nerd is now my outer nerd.

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