Thursday, January 5, 2012

New gig, special twist

So as I mentioned before, I've started a new job.  I'm running business development for a start-up called Collector's Quest - they've built a platform to connect buyers and sellers of collectibles and antiques.  To boil it down, imagine a marketplace for small retailers in this space (a la Etsy, but not for handmade goodies) that employs algorithms to identify a user's specific interests (think  Collectibles and antiques represent a huge market, it's very fragmented and offline today, and we've got some smart media people behind us to help drive usage.  So, feeling good.

One of the best things shouldn't be omitted: I am working from home.  This is a new thing for me and I'm psyched.  First and foremost, I'm very excited about CQ and what I can do to help grow the business.  No work-from-home situation would be worth it if I didn't believe the company itself was a winner.  But now I have a level of flexibility that I've never had before.  I can work full time and still pick my kids up from school/daycare every day, go to all their performances, be the class mom. 

Spending the past six months at home solidified two things in my mind.  First, I need to work.  It makes me a better mom and a better wife, and it makes me happy.  I feel important, satisfied that I matter to the world.  And second, I like spending time with my kids, just doing our daily whatevers, more than I ever thought I would.  I thought I'd hate the full-time mommy role, and there were things that drove me nuts, but I really enjoyed the extra cuddle time at nap or taking the kids to the zoo mid-week.  The Bunny and the Bug are (generally) super fun to hang out with!

So I feel like this is a huge coup for me.  An exciting new company that I believe has an opportunity to really make it, and that I truly believe I'll help to succeed.  Plus an uber-flexible schedule that will allow me to spend more time with the kids.  I'm ironing out the balancing act, but that'll come.  And when it does, everyone will win - my boss, my kids, my husband and me.  Yay.

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