Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Like sands through the hourglass...

Sick Day #3 has also represented the third day I've watched Days of Our Lives in about ten years. Three episodes, and I know everything that's happened in ten years. The sum total of those happenings: not a damn thing. Sure, Sami thinks she isn't evil right now, but since both of her twins' baby daddies are in adjoining elevators having sex with her two arch-nemeses, I'm pretty sure ole Sami'll be evil again by next week. John Black isn't dead. Again. And he has no memory. Again. But every time that happens Doc finds a way to snap him out of it, no worse (or less vacant-looking) for the wear. The only real difference is that half of the screen time is taken up by the babies who were born ten or fifteen years ago, were rapidly aged, and are now twenty-somethings carrying on relationships with the other rapidly aged kids of the other characters on the show. The show's tagline should be "Like sands, sitting sedentary in a jar, so are the Days of Our Lives."


Anonymous said...

My favorite was when Marlena was possessed, remember that? Oh and I can't remember her name, but some crazy woman with messed up teeth named her kid, Elvis.

Angie said...

I didn't know that whole Elvis storyline, but he now goes by "EJ", and he's one of Sami's said baby-daddies, currently having sex in an elevator.