Since I'd so much enjoyed photographing the flowers in Rocky Mountain National Park last summer, and also since the Bunny pointed out EVERY. SINGLE. ONE. while we hiked in Utah..... I thought I'd share some of these.
The prickly pear cactus were so close to blooming in both Arches and Canyonlands. We did see some in full, bold, red and orange bloom.... but it was while we were on a mountain bike ride, and since I cannot safely carry a camera (or anything that isn't a very small, snug Camelbak) while riding, here you can see those tight buds, about to open into glory.
The Bunny and I really loved these (totally not hilariously-named) Beakpod Nippletwists. Which you can also call the Little Twistflower, if the first name makes you blush. Either way, they are tall and delicate, and both the white flowers and the reddish-purple pods (also flowers???) are tiny, and the itty-bitty pop of color makes for a lovely contrast with the red, sandy soil.
The pale evening primrose has a very delicate flower, and the closed buds are completely red/pink. Which means the Bug and the Bunny can spot one from a mile away.
This little beauty is called the yellow-eye cryptanth, and we spotted it crammed between a couple of red sandstone rocks while on Whale Rock.
Doesn't this stunner look like coral? We saw these common paintbrush - a relation to the tundra flowers I love so much - on our way to Delicate Arch.
The bright orange of the scarlet globemallow appears to be just coming out. In a couple of weeks, the trails at Arches will be lined with these little beauties.

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