Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Feb Club for old people

Yale has a couple of fun traditions, stuffy reputation notwithstanding. One of these is Feb Club, which was started in the 70s as a way to make that coldest and most miserable of months a little more tolerable. Every night for the month of February, a party is held in a different location on campus. I actually made it to all of them one year, and while it was great fun, I certainly do not recommend it as a way to improve one's academic standing.

This year, some people from the class of '87 have started a Feb Club Emeritus, with parties in different cities every night. I went to the one in Soho last night, and I have to say that trudging through the snow on my way to an evening of drinks had a very fun, and somehow still quite familiar, feel to it. The party itself was a good time, although I didn't run into many old friends, primarily since there was a serious lack of people who graduated in the 1990s. I think that the organizers really spread the word well through their classes, and the Facebook page got a bunch of graduates from the past couple of years in the loop. Judging from the success of the parties to date, there will more of these "Feb Clubs for old people" in future years. We'll have to get the classes of '95 and '96 to represent in 2009!

1 comment:

JW said...

Hey Angie - "one of the '87 guys" checking in. Glad you had fun at Feb Club Soho. You are absolutely right about the shortage of '90's types - at all of the parties we've had far more '80's and 00's than in between. Us old folks because we started it and told all our friends, and the 00's because they are all so much more internet-savvy than we are and spread everything instantly.

I am actually one of the founders of this whole boondoggle and would love to help fill in the 90's gap for next year, so if you have any interest in helping out with that mission, let me know - you can find me on the Feb Club for Old People Facebook page - and I'll check in with you over the coming year.

Party on -

Jordan Warshaw PC '87